Monday, February 7, 2011


Fun, Friendly, Affordable!

Kate's House Family Day Care

HURRY Current vacancies : call to ask about spaces left for 2015

Need to return to work or study or just desire time to yourself?

Registered with Blue Mountains family day care scheme. Quality Home -based  day care operated by an experienced educator.

Please phone Kate on 0421 457703 to enquire about vacancies and organise a time
to come and meet me at Hazelbrook in the Blue Mountains.

Specialising in Music, Games and Learning through Play

Learning in a secure home environment with a maximum of 4 children under school age. Preschool program for three years plus. Baby program 0-2 years.

Rather than various people working shifts, I care for your precious child the whole time. This helps with communication. 

Personal service. Emphasising Christian and educational development. Nurturing social and emotional development.

Ask about your CCB and CCR discount

Fun, Friendly, Affordable Childcare!

Following the National Curriculum (EYLF)
Qualification : Bachelor of Teaching
Specialising in Music, Games and Learning through Play

First Aid Certificate
Current Working With Children Check
Certificate III in Child Studies

Daily Routine

8am  Indoor Play and Story Time
10am – Morning Tea
10:30am Music and Circle Time
11am Outside Time
12noon Lunch Time
12:30pm Baking/Craft or Sleep
3pm Afternoon Tea
3:15pm Home Time
(Extended hours on request)


What will my child’s activities be?  
Your child will spend their day participating in fun indoor and outdoor activities.  There will be time to sing, play instruments, dance, do craft, dress-up and play with many toys that are rotated on a weekly basis. 

Outside they will be able to have fun playing on the trampoline, all games, circle games, to ride scooters and bikes and play make believe games. 

In addition they will really enjoy our natural outdoor area!

What do I need to bring?
Please bring a piece of fruit to share for morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and a drink bottle with water.  Children can become hungrier than usual in care so please pack more than you think they would normally eat.

Please bring a hat to use when in care. Please pack spare clothes based on the weather with enough sets based on your child’s age.  Include nappies and wipes for younger children and pull-ups until they are successfully toilet trained.  

Feel free to allow your child to bring comfort toys for play/sleep.  When your chid is ill we request they take time off from care to give them to extra comfort needed.

Your CCB rebate will be calculated and taken from your fees before you pay them.  Most working and studying Mums will also recieve their 50% rebate from what they pay!!!

Payment is due on the first day of care each week a week in advance. I have a sign-in sheet that we will use.   We will be closed during one week each school holidays at which time you will not need to make payment. However, payment is still required if your child is absent at any time. 

Hazelbrook                0421 457 703